Build your professional profile | Claim credit for your work | ORCID at PLOS
As a peer reviewer, the value that you bring to research communication is immense, and too often, unacknowledged. You deserve credit for all of your contributions to science--not just authorship.

Starting today, when you register your ORCID iD in the PLOS Editorial Manager submission system, we’ll alert ORCID anytime you complete a peer review. Then, you can choose whether to post the activity to your profile.
"Credit is a young man’s capital" — Oscar Wilde
What is ORCID?
ORCID is a unique identifier that ensures all published research is properly attributed--even if you change your name, switch institutions, move to another country, or have the same name as another scientist.

ORCID is a professional profile, where scientists can capture scholarly outputs for job applications, tenure committees, grantseeking, and connecting with other researchers in the field. If you choose to authorize automatic updates, your profile will always stay up-to-date with your latest publications–and now peer reviewer activity too!

ORCID helps streamline the submission process, with a single username and password you can register and sign in to different publishers’ systems.
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Top tip

Did you know that maintaining a robust ORCID profile is a great way to get invitations to review? Find more tips for getting started on the PLOS Reviewer Center.

Sign up & link
1. Register. Sign up for an iD directly on the ORCID website or by clicking the green iD button on PLOS submission system sign-in page.
2. Connect. From the PLOS submission system sign-in page, click the green iD button and enter your username and password, then sign in as usual. Your ORCID is now linked!
3. Authorize. When scholarly activity is linked to your ORCID iD you’ll receive a message in your ORCID inbox asking if you’d like to post it to your profile. Click the Authorize button to post. Once authorized, we’ll continuously update your profile with new activity until you revoke access.
What are researchers saying?
“ORCID is crucial for having a curated identity as a publishing research scientist. I cherish the ability to curate which publications, grants and other activities to include in my ORCID. ORCID is my personally managed digital and professional self."
Nik Grünwald, Horticultural Crops Research Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Nik Grünwald
Matema L.E. Imakumbili
“Have you ever searched for your name to find that someone else is also called what you are called and that they also have your exact middle name initials? How can anyone tell whether it is you or not? That’s the peace of mind that comes with using an ORCID iD, which is a researcher’s unique identifier. It belongs to only you and differentiates you from everyone else. An ORCID iD ensures that all your work gets rightly accredited to you. This is why I use it.”
Matema L.E. Imakumbili, Department of Soils and Geological Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
“...ORCID is a valuable platform for researchers and the scientific community, bringing them together through sharing their valuable work. I use ORCID to get in touch with experts and researchers in my area of research which keeps me updated about what’s going on in other parts of the world.”
Asar Khan, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, Pakistan
Asar Khan
More opportunities for reviewer credit at PLOS
Signed peer review
Signed peer review
PLOS uses single-blind review as a baseline. You can choose to share your identity with the authors and other reviewers by signing your name to them in the submission form.
Peer review history
Peer review history
Accepted PLOS authors can choose to publish their peer review history alongside the final article. If you chose to sign you peer review comments, your name will appear in the published version.
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